The International Network of Nurse Leaders (INNL) contributes to the advancement of nurse leadership through educational, networking, and leadership opportunities.

We provide a platform that brings leading edge knowledge, resources, education, community, and support to any nurse leader who wants to be a better leader.

Our goal is to have all of our programs/offerings either sponsored or employer paid - so that the cost of investing in nursing leadership (to improve the quality, access, and availability of healthcare) does not come out of the pockets of nurses and nurse leaders.

To encourage nurse leaders globally to join - OUR MEMBERSHIP IS FREE.

Our membership and audience includes:

Current nurse leaders:

  • Nursing Executives

  • Chief Nursing Officers

  • Directors of Nursing

  • Nurse Managers/Supervisors

  • Nurse Educators

  • Nurse Academics/Researchers

Next generation nurse leaders:

  • Mid Career

  • Early Career

  • Emerging

  • Aspiring

  • Student Nurse

ShiftCHANGE Podcast Sponsorship

Sponsor a podcast episode on a mutually-agreed topic at $500 CAD or $750 CAD and be recognized in the following ways:

  • Citation by the podcast hosts at the beginning and end of podcast episode - using agreed upon, sponsor-provided script.

  • 15-second ($500 CAD) or 30-second ($750 CAD) podcast message to our audience.

  • Logo citation and/or text recognizing sponsor in podcast directory/show notes on INNL website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher.

  • Recognition via INNL social media and email newsletter for podcast promotions to its nurse members, network, and target audience.

  • Sponsor information included in episode description.

We invite you to become a valued ShiftCHANGE sponsor where influential individuals and experts share insights, strategies, and stories of success in the dynamic field of nursing leadership and healthcare.

By sponsoring our podcast, you'll gain exceptional visibility and exposure among a targeted audience of dedicated, committed, and engaged nurse leaders.

Join us in supporting the growth and advancement of nurse leaders, while positioning your brand as a champion of excellence in healthcare leadership.

Together, let's make a lasting impact on the future of nursing leadership, the nursing profession, and healthcare systems.

Advertise With Us

Unlock the potential of advertising with the INNL.

By partnering with us, you gain access to a highly influential and engaged audience of nursing professionals who are passionate about making a difference in healthcare and advancing their careers.

Our platform provides an exceptional opportunity to showcase your brand, products, and services to a targeted demographic of established, emerging, and aspiring nurse leaders.

With our extensive reach and trusted reputation, your advertising message will resonate with our audience, creating brand awareness and driving meaningful engagement for your organization.

Join us in shaping the future of nursing leadership while expanding your market presence and connecting with a community that values innovation and excellence.

To book advertising or request more information about advertising opportunities, please contact us using the following form:

Sponsor Our Work

Your sponsorship contribution supports the cost of our programs, courses, workshops, webinars, and events. This helps take the cost burden off of nurse leaders.

Your Return-On-Investment includes:

  • Investment in nursing leadership

  • Access to networking opportunities

  • Community engagement

  • Recognition of and impact for your organization or brand

  • Business-to-Consumer opportunities

  • Focused messaging to our target audience

  • Supports thought-leadership & innovation in healthcare

  • Access to knowledge (via research, surveys)

To request more information or to speak with an INNL representative about sponsorship opportunities, please contact us using the following form: