Being Part of the Solution with Marcie Smigorowsky

Being Part of the Solution with Marcie Smigorowsky

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Marcie Smigorowsky is passionate about having an impact on healthcare and advancing the role of the nurse practitioner. She started thirty-three years ago as a registered nurse graduating from the University of Alberta Hospital Nursing Program. She then obtained a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Alberta, as well as a Masters in Nursing to become a nurse practitioner. She obtained a PhD in Medicine this past year.

Marcie’s had the opportunity to work in many different areas of cardiology throughout her career, from the Cardiovascular Intensive Care as a staff nurse, educator, cardiac rehabilitation nurse, pacemaker and device nurse, to her current roles as a nurse practitioner in the Cardiac Ease Clinic and the Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute. She has also taken a leadership role as a professional practice leader for the Advanced Practice Nursing (Edmonton Zone). Currently she is on secondment from that role to CRNA as a Nurse Practitioner Policy and Practice Consultant.

Episode Highlights

We start by talking about how the pull to leadership in nursing started with Marcie from the very beginning before diving into:

  • Mentorship in nursing and the need for more of it

  • The importance of being a lifelong learner

  • What informal leadership is and why it’s for everyone

  • How modern nurses need to be politically savvy

  • The impact and worth of nurse practitioners

Key Points

1. Always do your best. Present yourself in a professional manner and maintain a beginners mindset that is eager to learn.

2. Treat others the way you would like to be treated, because it comes from a place of respect and your personal values.

3. Never ask someone to do something you wouldn’t do yourself.


“Kindness and professionalism. I think those two things really need to come together in nursing.”

—Marcie Smigorowsky

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